Watch my new film: California Condor - A Day In The Life

Images of California condors, whales, dolphins and Big Sur vistas
A collection of 1,474 images from now through 2011

California condor 877 doing a spot of hiking at Pinnacles National Park.
California condor 877 doing a spot of hiking at Pinnacles National Park. (2/24/2020)
Juvenile California condor 825 soaring over Pinnacles National Park with the Salinas valley in the background.
Juvenile California condor 825 soaring over Pinnacles National Park with the Salinas valley in the background. (2/24/2020)
California condor 800 warming his wings in the morning sun.
California condor 800 warming his wings in the morning sun. (2/24/2020)
California condor 340 Kun-wac-shun, warming his wings.
California condor 340 Kun-wac-shun, warming his wings. (2/21/2020)
California condor 800 has a pre flight yawn.
California condor 800 has a pre flight yawn. (2/21/2020)
California condor 700 rounding one of Pinnacles National Park's volcanic spires.
California condor 700 rounding one of Pinnacles National Park's volcanic spires. (1/28/2020)
Juvenile California condor 877 makes a close pass at Pinnacles National Park.
Juvenile California condor 877 makes a close pass at Pinnacles National Park. (2/11/2020)
California condor 1003 soaring in Big Sur.
California condor 1003 soaring in Big Sur. (2/13/2020)
The sun finally gets high enough to hit the spire you’re on and suddenly you’re all Hey, let’s get this day started! California condor 678 Electra in Pinnacles National Park.
The sun finally gets high enough to hit the spire you’re on and suddenly you’re all Hey, let’s get this day started! California condor 678 Electra in Pinnacles National Park. (2/11/2020)
California condor 1003 works on their pre flight stretch in Big Sur.
California condor 1003 works on their pre flight stretch in Big Sur. (2/8/2020)
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