Watch My Latest (Spring 2024) Film: California Condor - A Day In The Life

Images of California condors, whales, dolphins and Big Sur vistas
A collection of 1,474 images from 2021 through 2011

Apologies for this site being somewhat out of date image wise, I do intend to bring it up to date one of these days, but in the meantime,
you can see current images being posted on Instagram and mirrored on Facebook.

Condor 696 Wilbur looks on as 718 Apollo lifts off
Condor 696 Wilbur looks on as 718 Apollo lifts off (yes, I went there) from a MoCo hillside. (1/2/2021)
uvenile condor 937 Leonard flying around the High Peaks area of Pinnacles National Park.
uvenile condor 937 Leonard flying around the High Peaks area of Pinnacles National Park. (12/22/2020)
Condor 204 Amigo floating over the Big Sur coast.
Condor 204 Amigo floating over the Big Sur coast. (12/21/2020)
Condor 692 looking out over Pinnacles National Park, the Salinas valley and the Santa Lucias beyond.
Condor 692 looking out over Pinnacles National Park, the Salinas valley and the Santa Lucias beyond. (12/22/2020)
A somewhat unique view of condor 692!
A somewhat unique view of condor 692! (12/22/2020)
I know all the cool kids are getting cool shots of Jupiter and Saturn close together, but I was more than happy to get the moon and 470 Fuego in the same shot.
I know all the cool kids are getting cool shots of Jupiter and Saturn close together, but I was more than happy to get the moon and 470 Fuego in the same shot. (12/21/2020)
Condor 692 caught mid flap and mid blink at Pinnacles.
Condor 692 caught mid flap and mid blink at Pinnacles. (12/15/2020)
California condor 726 Little Stinker floats through a Pinnacles canyon.
California condor 726 Little Stinker floats through a Pinnacles canyon. (12/10/2020)
Condor 692 warming his wings at Pinnacles.
Condor 692 warming his wings at Pinnacles. (12/15/2020)
Condor 1003, Katie’s Bird, floats on by on Big Sur.
Condor 1003, Katie’s Bird, floats on by on Big Sur. (12/11/2020)
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