Condor 696 Wilbur looks on as 718 Apollo lifts off (yes, I went there) from a MoCo hillside. (1/2/2021)
uvenile condor 937 Leonard flying around the High Peaks area of Pinnacles National Park. (12/22/2020)
Condor 204 Amigo floating over the Big Sur coast. (12/21/2020)
Condor 692 looking out over Pinnacles National Park, the Salinas valley and the Santa Lucias beyond. (12/22/2020)
A somewhat unique view of condor 692! (12/22/2020)
I know all the cool kids are getting cool shots of Jupiter and Saturn close together, but I was more than happy to get the moon and 470 Fuego in the same shot. (12/21/2020)
Condor 692 caught mid flap and mid blink at Pinnacles. (12/15/2020)
California condor 726 Little Stinker floats through a Pinnacles canyon. (12/10/2020)
Condor 692 warming his wings at Pinnacles. (12/15/2020)
Condor 1003, Katie’s Bird, floats on by on Big Sur. (12/11/2020)