Watch my new film: California Condor - A Day In The Life

Images of California condors, whales, dolphins and Big Sur vistas
A collection of 1,474 images from now through 2011

California condor 470 Fuego.
California condor 470 Fuego. (8/25/2020)
A Risso’s dolphin starts to exhale just before it breaks the surface of Monterey Bay.
A Risso’s dolphin starts to exhale just before it breaks the surface of Monterey Bay. (9/23/2020)
Taken on board the always excellent Blue Ocean Whale Watch socially distanced tour.
California condor 470 Fuego shows a couple of turkey vultures what a wingspan really is during a smoky, hazy morning in Big Sur.
California condor 470 Fuego shows a couple of turkey vultures what a wingspan really is during a smoky, hazy morning in Big Sur. (9/16/2020)
California condor 190 Redwood Queen out and about looking for her
California condor 190 Redwood Queen out and about looking for her (& 1031 Iniko’s) next meal. (9/4/2020)
California condor 470 Fuego flying over the edge of a misty ocean in Big Sur.
California condor 470 Fuego flying over the edge of a misty ocean in Big Sur. (8/29/2020)
California condor 646 Kodama making a low pass over my head.
California condor 646 Kodama making a low pass over my head. (8/29/2020)
While condors like 646 are thriving, there are still multiple condors missing since the Dolan Fire swept through Big Sur. Click here for details from the VWS site.
California condor 550 floating over a glassy ocean scoping out the beach below.
California condor 550 floating over a glassy ocean scoping out the beach below. (8/25/2020)
Shiny head, check! Bulging crop, check!  California condor 204 Amigo makes a post lunch close pass in a fire free area of Big Sur.
Shiny head, check! Bulging crop, check! California condor 204 Amigo makes a post lunch close pass in a fire free area of Big Sur. (8/25/2020)
As you may know, a lot of Big Sur is currently on fire. The fire has razed the Ventana Wildlife Society's condor sanctuary. They've vowed to rebuild it and carry on recovering condors. If you'd like to help, click here
California condor 646 Kodama catches her breath on a warm day with little breeze.
California condor 646 Kodama catches her breath on a warm day with little breeze. (8/17/2020)
Juvenile condor 9004
Juvenile condor 9004 (1003?) checking out the local seafood buffet. (8/17/2020)
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